September full of Conferences!
The lab has been busy September 2017.
First, we worked hard to make VIII Conference of the Society for Biology of Reproduction (Olsztyn, Poland) happen. Moreover, Emilia, Joanna, and Monika gave talks. Żaneta and Maria presented posters.
Asia, Emilia and Monika participated in the EMBO The Non-Coding Genome 2017 (Heidelberg, Germany). Asia presented FLASH talk on extracellular miRNAs during pregnancy. Emilia and Monika presented posters on the role of miRNA in corpus luteum maintenance and miRNAs at embryo-maternal interface.
Finally, Monika and Asia went to WCRB2017 (Okinawa, Japan) and presented posters on extracellular vesicles in cell-to-cell communication and nutritional programming of reproductive performance in males.
Check out our galley for more pics!